Objavljeno: četvrtak, 28.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


A pjevali su nam redom:

The Cramps - Like A Bad Girl Should
Clawfinger - Warfair
Butthole Surfers - Dust Devil
Die Krupps - Fatherland
Dead Kennedys - Police Truck
The Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia

Ovo sam natrkeljao 28.09.2006. u 20:55 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi NEKOLIKO MENI DRAGIH "EVERGREEN-A" izjasnili su se:

Ovo sam natrkeljao 28.09.2006. u 18:01 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi izjasnili su se:


Prošlo je gotovo mjesec dana kako nisam bio na poslu. Bijah uzeo 3 tjedna godišnjeg, koji sam manje-više proveo kod kuće, u obližnjoj birtiji i na raznoraznim okupljanjima sa dragim mi ljudima. Nisam išao na more, vrijeme je bilo za drek, al' vele mudri ljudi – bit će bolje. Ovaj zadnji tjedan me uhvatila neka trbušna gripa, pa sam svako malo morao juriti tamo gdje carevi idu pješke. Ne moram vam reći da sam pročitao tonu tiskovina lagano kontemplirajući na tome mjestu. Da stvar bude još ljepša, u tom sam razdoblju završio i u Perkovčevoj, jer me tamo bila uputila moja zubarka. Imam jedan gadan zub za vaditi, a ona to kao ne može, jer ga nema za kaj ufatiti. Tako da sam jučer, ranim jutrom bio u prepunoj čekaonici na odjelu zubne kirurgije. Došao je red i na mene. Ja otvorim čvalje, zubar baci pogled i pita me, jel' bi ja to danas vadio ili da me naruče. Pa reko', ajd, kad sam se već dignuo u praskozorje, neka to bude obavljeno danas. Poslal me da nekaj pojedem, ispunim neki njihov formular u kojem se oni ograđuju od gotovo svih posljedica koje mogu nastati operacijom i da se vratim za pola sata. Uspio sam sve obaviti i vratim se nazad. Opet sjednem, razjapim čvalje, a doktor mi pukne 2 injekcije anestetika (lokalnog – na žalost). Poslao me u čekaonicu sa naputkom da ne pobjegne, nego da se vratim za 15 minuta. Nakon 15 minuta pola face mi je bilo oduzeto, a na televiziji je taman bio Al Bundy, tako da sam se smješkao samo sa pola lica. Totalno glupi osjećaj. Sjednem po treći puta u zubarsku stolicu, mislim si, samo da to brzo obavi, da mogu nazad u krevet. E, ljudi moji, kada je on navalio sa nekim komadom metala, ja mislio da će mi mozak iskočiti kroz uši. "Boli?", pita. Rekoh, ne škaklja, naravno da boli, daj još te droge. I uvali mi još jednu injekciju. Nakon 10 minuta, eto njega opet u mojim ustima sa onim istim metalnim instrumentom i – opet navali. Kako je počeo kopati, meni graški znoja na čelu. "Pa, hebote, ne bi smjelo boljeti, ne osjećam pola glave!", pomislim i u tom trenutku me tako sasjekla bol da su mi suze štrcnule barem pola metra. I opet on mene pita "Boli?". Samo sam uspio kimnuti glavom. I tak, malo si on razmišlja i dođe do zaključka da mi je zub vjerojatno upaljen, pa mi je napisal' recept za neke antibiotike i naručil me za sljedeću srijedu. A ja, eto, sjedim tu za kompom i družim se sa bočicom Ketonala i svojim blogom. Blah! No, da, vele ljudi – i to će proći.

Ovo sam natrkeljao 28.09.2006. u 16:06 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi DA MALO REZIMIRAMO izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: srijeda, 27.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Zamislite si, stojite na semaforu, vama crveno, nigdje ni jednog jedinog auta i krenete lagano. Kad, odjednom: "Prekršili ste zakon o prometu član taj i taj, bit će vam poslana kazna na kućnu adresu". Vi se okrećete, nigdje nikoga…samo jedna kamera na stupu i 2 velika zvučnika. Budućnost? Ne, sadašnjost, ali zasada samo u Engleskoj, što ne znači da uskoro nećemo takve uređaje gledati i na našim ulicama.. Ne samo da ih prate kamerama na svakih 30-50 metara, nego su sada dodali još i zvučnu podlogu u vidu jakih zvučnika. Ne znam kak vama, al' meni je to pre strašno. Evo i link na cijeli tekst, danas izašlo na Daily Mail-u.

Mene jedino zanima, koliko to ljudi treba zaposliti da nadgledaju sve te kamere. Izgleda da čika Orwel nije ni puno fulao u svojoj "1984". Treba se malo zamisliti nad svime, koliko je naša "sigurnost", važnija od naše privatnosti? Sve mi to izgleda kao neki novi 3. Reich, koji nam se galopirajućom brzinom nezaustavljivo približava. Blah!!!

Big Brother is shouting at you
Last updated at 21:02pm on 16th September 2006

Big Brother is not only watching you - now he's barking orders too. Britain's first 'talking' CCTV cameras have arrived, publicly berating bad behaviour and shaming offenders into acting more responsibly.

The system allows control room operators who spot any anti-social acts - from dropping litter to late-night brawls - to send out a verbal warning: 'We are watching you'.

Middlesbrough has fitted loudspeakers on seven of its 158 cameras in an experiment already being hailed as a success. Jack Bonner, who manages the system, said: 'It is one hell of a deterrent. It's one thing to know that there are CCTV cameras about, but it's quite another when they loudly point out what you have just done wrong.

'Most people are so ashamed and embarrassed at being caught they quickly slink off without further trouble.

'There was one incident when two men started fighting outside a nightclub. One of the control room operators warned them over the loudspeakers and they looked up, startled, stopped fighting and scarpered in opposite directions.


APDEJT 27/09/2006

Evo i video zapis

Ovo sam natrkeljao 27.09.2006. u 22:06 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi BIG BROTHER U VAŠEM GRADU izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: utorak, 26.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Dohvatim današnje novine i imam što za pročitati. Veli naš tajkun, ups, predsjednik da je G.W.Bush prihvatio njegov poziv da posjeti lijepu nam našu. Kaže da je jedino njega od svih nazočnih nježno uzeo u zagrljaj i obećao mu dolazak. Halo?! Koji će nam Qrac Bush ovdje? Kao da nam može nešto dobroga donjeti. Osim rata, patnje i kontrole stanovništva, ništa drugo se od tog "čovjeka" ne može naučiti. A pošto je nova generacija naših političara odlično u jednom, a to je zavlačenje glava u tuđe guzice, mislim da će Bush junior biti zadovoljan istim. Zar naš predsjednik ne razmišlja kakve posljedice takva njegova odluka može donijeti? Zamislite samo kako će na jednu državu poput naše, gledati islamski fundamentalisti, nakon što lijepo i svečano ugostimo njihovog neprijatelja broj 1?

E, pa dragi naš Stipo, svaka kapljica prolivene krvi u hrvatskoj, kao posljedica terorističkog napada ići će tebi na dušu. Neka ti Bog pomogne.


Ovo sam natrkeljao 26.09.2006. u 15:17 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi VRAG DOLAZI U HRVATSKU izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: ponedjeljak, 25.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Prije nekih 10 godina izašao je gorespomenuti film. Onako, podosta zanimljiv i podosta dobrih specijalnih efekata. Uglavnom, za one koji ne znaju o čemu se radi, neki ludi naučnik klonira i miješa ljudske i životinjske gene, te tako dobiva nove „vrste“. Da sad ne bi sve ostalo samo sajens-fikšn, evo i nekoliko slika koje trenutno kolaju net-om. Navodno se ovo nasukalo negdje na Jordanskoj obali. Sad, ak je vjerovati slikama, možda se neki ludi Moreau stvarno negdje na nekom otočiću igra stvoritelja?

Ovo sam natrkeljao 25.09.2006. u 22:30 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi OTOK DOKTORA MOREAU-A izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: nedjelja, 24.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Ovo sam natrkeljao 24.09.2006. u 16:55 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi CHE I IMPERIJALIZAM izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: petak, 22.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Danas mi je uletjela draga i pobjedonosno izjavila da si je kupila svoj omiljeni sir „Zdenka – Čardaš“, a ja, ne budi lijen, rekoh da provjerim koje oni to konzervanse koriste. Od 3, 2 su štetna, pa ti sad vidi. Većina će samo odmahnuti rukom, no većina je ona koja uglavnom na kraju trpi posljedice (nažalost).

Piše 'vako:

E450, E452 i E339

E450 - Excessive use may lead to imbalance of mineral levels, which could potentially lead to damage to bone density and osteoporosis.

E452 - None known when used in foods. High concentrations of phosphates may disturb several metabolic processes as phosphate plays an important role in general metabolism.

E339 - Kalijev citrat, bezopasan (bar tako tvrde)

Dobar tek :)

Ovo sam natrkeljao 22.09.2006. u 20:10 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi ZDENKA I PRIMJESE izjasnili su se:


Ovo je weird. Ako vam se da, pročitajte cijeli tekst. Zaprašuju se samo i isključivo kvartovi gdje živi siromašan narod. Neki bi to možda nazvali i - GENOCID.

2006 Pesticide Spraying in New York City
City Again Sprays Crowded City Streets

The New York City Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene sprayed the dangerous pesticide “Anvil” in sections of Brooklyn last month and continues to fog Staten Island, purportedly to kill mosquitoes which may or may not be carrying West Nile virus. City officials also ordered spraying in Queens and the Bronx.

The first spraying of the year in Brooklyn took place on the evening of August 21. The spray truck – now driven by unionized NYC workers wearing DOHMH insignias – recklessly spewed pesticides in a thick cloud down crowded 5th Avenue in Sunset Park and in the surrounding area in utter disregard of the hundreds of people walking the streets. The truck blasted pregnant women and many, many little children with the spray, and fogged people in dozens of restaurants – their doors wide open – without warning as they ate.

The City put up no signs in the neighborhoods announcing the spraying. They made no public warnings about the dangers of pesticides, the links between pesticides and asthma – which is epidemic throughout New York City -- childhood cancers, lymphomas, neurological disorders, chemical sensitivities . . . nothing.


What is Anvil?

Ovo sam natrkeljao 22.09.2006. u 18:09 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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Objavljeno: četvrtak, 21.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Da se malo osvrnem na tematiku – zdravlje.

Tema: Hatcho Miso, oliti fermentirana soja.

Podosta o njemu napisao je drug Podravec, pa za njegovo viđenje istog, klikni OVDJE.

A ono što bih ja samo još želio skromno dodati na njegov post, jesu beneficije uzimanja istog:

Health effects of eating miso

Cancer prevention: Takeshi Hirayama of the National Cancer Centre Research Institute in Japan in 1981 found that cancer could be prevented by miso. According to his research, people who eat miso soup daily are correlated with 50% lower stomach cancer rates than people who do not eat miso soup at all. He also clarified that the vegetables accompanying miso soup also have cancer prevention effects. In 1992, Akihiro Ito from the Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine (Hiroshima University) also revealed that miso has such effects on mice. Male mice were divided into 2 groups and received neutron radiation. One group of mice was fed normal food as usual and 62% of them got liver cancer although only 13% of another group, which had 10% of miso in their food, got liver cancer.

Detoxifying radioactive substance: In Hiroshima, the aftermath of radiation was investigated by some researchers and according to a report, some people who had eaten miso suffered less from radiation disease. Akihiro Ito at Hiroshima University confirmed the effects by using mice. He divided mice into 4 groups and fed normal food, food with 10% of dried red miso, food with 10% of soy sause and food with the same amount of salt as miso to the groups. 3 days later, the mice were examined for the survival rates of their hepatocytes of small inestinal mucous membrane. In the results, the rate of the group which had miso was the highest and moreover some of the damaged cells in the mice which had miso or soy sause reproduced themselves. This is known widely in Europe as well and miso was exported in large amounts in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986.

Antiaging: Vitamin E, amino acids, saponin, melanoidin, lipofuscin and so on in miso have antioxidant punch. To remain young and maintain health, it is important to get rid of active oxygen that force substances in the body to be oxidised. Hiromichi Katoh from Otsuma Women's University disclosed how well miso controls active oxygen in 1995. According to his research, active oxygen was greately controlled in both normal and low-sodium miso but low-sodium miso had greater effects. Low-sodium miso such as Hatcho Miso has a more beneficial impact on health. Supporting the research, Tokugawa Ieyasu lived to 75 years old when the average life expectation was 37.8 years old. He tried to maintain his health and had 5 different types of leaf vegetables and 3 kinds of root vegetables in miso soup everyday.

Aid digestion: Soy protein itself is poorly assimilated but it transforms itself through enzymes and microorganisms in the fermentation process to be assimilated easily. It also contains active digestive enzymes, which help digestion of other

Detoxifying: Microorganisms in miso discharge putrefactive bacteria and harmful substance from the intestines

Arteriosclerosis prevention

Control of blood pressure

Whitening and stain removal

Removal of soy allergen

Negating the effects of smoking

The perfect cure for hangovers!!!!! (apparently)

Bone-thinning prevention

and so on.


E, sad, što se okusa dotikavlja, meni on sam po sebi nije ukusan (onak, ak ga probaš samog ili samo sa vručom vodom), ali u kombinaciji sa pravom povrtnom juhom, savršen.

Miso se u juhe dodaje netom nakon kuhanja, jer se kuhanjem izgube svi toliko važni enzimi u njemu, te gubi svoju svrhu i funkcionalnost.

Ovo sam natrkeljao 21.09.2006. u 11:39 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi MISO izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: srijeda, 20.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Kao i ovi primjerci ovdje:

Ovaj zadnji, snimljen je prije 2 dana.

Laku noć ;)

Ovo sam natrkeljao 20.09.2006. u 22:21 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi NLO? KOJI NLO? PA TO JE SAMO KOMADIĆ LEDA. izjasnili su se:


Baš nekaj bauljam po vijestima, pa naletim na sljedeću izjavu predsjednika Chavez-a, kada je stigao u UN.:

"The devil came here yesterday" Chavez said. "He came here talking as if he were the owner of the world."

Dobrano se razljutio, pa nadodao:

"We appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our head"

i još ponešto što je išlo UN-a. Koga zanima, nek klikne OVDJE.


Za one koje će zanimati malo više, ima OVDJE transkript cijelog govora.

Ovo sam natrkeljao 20.09.2006. u 21:08 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi CHAVEZ NAZVAO BUSHA VRAGOM izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: nedjelja, 17.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Da li vas je ikada zanimalo kako izgleda život iz perspektive ljudske stanice?

Evo jedan dobar animirani uradak.


Ovo sam natrkeljao 17.09.2006. u 19:31 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi MIKRO-ŽIVOT izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: petak, 15.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


View of a Military Expert: Why the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed

The airplanes did not a have true effect on the destruction of towers; they were needed to give an excuse for odd Orwellian wars at the same time when the USA is turned into a police nation, like the German Third Reich, to some extent. The towers took the impacts of crushing Boeing 767's. The towers were originally built to take impacts of Boeing 707's, which are approximately of the same size and was widely used in the 1970's.

Fires that kindled from the fuel in the planes were too shortlasting and weak to be able to severely damage the structure of the skyscrapers. Even in the extreme situation, the heat from a kerosene fire cannot threat the durability of a steel trunk. With the temperature of carbohydrate fires that reaches only 825 °C (approx. 1517 °F) steel weakens at 800 °C (approx. 1470 °F) and melts at 1585 °C (approx. 2890 °F). In the skyscrapers of the WTC the surroundings were not at all ideal as there were far too many steel columns and they led heat away from the burning area. WTC 1 burned for 102 minutes and WTC 2 for 56 minutes only. A fire burning much longer, from 10 to 20 hours, could slowly increase the burning temperature down to perhaps 1100 °C (approx. 2010 °F). Provided there is more substance to burn, such a fire will damage concrete and irons, but not severely heavy steel constructions.

In mid-February in Madrid, the Windsor Tower (see above) burned for over 20 hours, which led to a fire stronger and hotter than that in the WTC, but even the collapses of the Windsor Tower caused by the very strong and long-enduring fire were minimal and limited to the upper floors. If either of the WTC tower had started to collapse because of fires the collapse would have been limited to only a few of the floors and then stopped.

The impossibility of a gravitational collapse is closer seen in other documents. A collapse would produce large pieces, and does not explain reports of fine dust from concrete, huge amounts of dust and pieces of steel ejected outwards.

Destruction of the towers by explosions is clear according to the photographs and reports of the eye witnesses. In the picture below, a range of cutting charges have just exploded in the down left sector and a typical white cloud is formed outwards from the wall. Down right, explosions are seen as well. Even a flame is seen.

In video tapes taken of the so-called collapses of the WTC, more explosions of these cutting charges can be seen. The explosions advance quickly, with a gap of a couple of floors, cutting the strong steel pillars in the outer wall. The explosions are timed so that it appears that the tower collapses occur in the same timing as in a gravitational collapse. The explosions are not completely synchronized in timing, probably a few charges are triggered by radio, and other charges explode out of the impulses of one of these charges (infrared, pressure wave).

More challenging problems to the demolition men, however, were the central cores of the buildings and the 47 steel pillars more robust than the ones on the outer rounds. The pillars of the central cores were made of steel even 100 + 100 mm thick, thicker than the side armours of a battle tank. Cutting those, even with explosives, is extremely difficult. One would need to surround the whole pillars, every single pillar on every floor intended to get blasted, with powerful cutting charges. These charges would have needed to be placed in such a way that the users of the skyscrapers could not notice these preparations.

As seen in the following pictures, the cores of the towers were not distracted by thousands of powerful cutting charges but by a modern thermonuclear explosive, a small hydrogen bomb. In the picture below, a hydrogen bomb explosion, the bomb having been placed in the cellar and directed to the core, has reached the roof of the tower and the upper parts of the outer walls. On its way up the waves of fire pressure partially penetrated about 100 floors of concrete and steel. Over ten million degrees of heat caused by a hydrogen bomb sublimised all water within the concrete in a moment. Water exploded extremely quickly into 24-fold volume and totally pulverized the concrete. Even people and computers that were in the buildings disappeared turning into heat and light. That is why almost nothing of them was found in the ruins.

Burning radiation is absorbed in steel so quickly that steel heats up immediately over its melting point 1585 °C (approx. 2890 °F) and above its boiling point around 3000 C (approx. 5430 °F). In the pictures down below, super hot groups of steel pillars and columns, torn from wall by pressure wave, are sublimized. They immediately turn into a vaporized form, binding heat as quickly as possible. Bursts upwards, even visible in the picture below, are not possible for a gravitational collapse or for cutting charges which are used horizontally.

Storax Sedan 104 Kt shallow underground

In the upper picture the explosion is in theory 100 times stronger than in the picture below, but in practice the difference is only four times due to the capability of direction of the small hydrogen bomb.

In the picture above, the brown shades caused by a hydrogen bomb are seen, while the top of the tower that is already collapsing is breaking down and the posture straightens up as the hydrogen bomb pulverized the core and it lost all its resistance. The piles point the blasts of the cutting charges.

Steel pillars are turned into dust. Extremely hot, sublimating pieces are not created with many methods.

Radioactivity in air creates shades of brown. This is the reason why the FBI did not search the crime scene. Ground zeros of nuclear weapons are a health risk and belong to the FEMA.


Ovo sam natrkeljao 15.09.2006. u 12:48 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi 9/11: WTC SRUŠEN NUKLEARKOM? izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: četvrtak, 14.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Vidiš ti to. Izgleda da se stvari počinju odvijati malo brže nego smo pretpostavljali.

2006-09-14 14:18:00 - Climate Change - ,

GLIDE CODE: CC-2006-09-14-7588-
Date & Time: 2006-09-14 14:18:00 [UTC]
Area: , , , ( MAP)


Arctic sea ice in winter is melting far faster than before -- a new and alarming trend that threatens the ocean's delicate ecosystem. The sudden and rapid melting is a sure sign of man-made global warming, said researchers in NASA studies Wednesday. "It has never occurred before," said NASA senior research scientist Josefino Comiso. "It is alarming... This winter ice provides the kind of evidence that it is indeed associated with the greenhouse effect." Scientists have long worried about melting Arctic sea ice in the summer, but they have not seen a big winter drop in sea ice, even though they expected it. For more than 25 years, Arctic sea ice has slowly diminished in winter by about 1.5 percent per decade. But in the past two years the melting has occurred at rates 10 to 15 times faster. From 2004 to 2005, the amount of ice dropped 2.3 percent; and over the past year, it has declined by another 1.9 percent, according to Comiso.

In the second study, researchers found the ice in eastern Arctic, due to winter sea ice melt, has shrunk about 40 percent in just the past two years. This is partly because of local weather but also partly because of global warming, Comiso said. The loss of winter ice is bad news for the ocean because this type of ice, when it melts in summer, provides a crucial breeding ground for plankton, Comiso said. Plankton are the bottom rung of the ocean's food chain. "If the winter ice melt continues, the effect would be very profound especially for marine mammals," Comiso said. The ice is melting even in subfreezing winter temperatures because the water is warmer and summer ice covers less area and is shorter-lived, Comiso said. Thus, the winter ice season shortens every year and warmer water melts at the edges of the winter ice more every year. Scientists and climate models have long predicted a drop in winter sea ice, but it has been slow to happen. Global warming skeptics have pointed to the lack of ice melt as a flaw in global warming theory.

Damage level: Catastrophic

Confirmed Information!

Ovo sam natrkeljao 14.09.2006. u 20:16 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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Objavljeno: srijeda, 13.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg

Ovo sam natrkeljao 13.09.2006. u 21:46 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi izjasnili su se:


Evo, izjasnio se i predsjednik Venezuele, Hugo Chavez, koji me neodoljivo podsjeća na jednog lika iz lijepog nam Zagorja, ali to je manje bitno.

Veli on: "Hipoteze da su ti tornjevi rušeni dinamitom nisu apsurdne. Zgrada se nikad tako ne urušava osim ako nije riječ o imploziji"

Slažem se s kolegom Hugom. Malo sam kopao po net-u i pogledao desetak filmića o rušenju nebodera eksplozivom i gotovo da izgleda identično onome što se dogodilo WTC-u. Kerozin ne može dostići temperaturu potrebnu za taljenje čelika. Sorry, al tak je.

No, dalje se kolega nadovezuje: "Sve je snažnija pretpostavka da je sama američka imperijalna sila planirala i provela te strašne terorističke napade ili da je djelovala protiv vlastitog naroda i protiv građana u cijelom svijetu. Zašto? Zato da opravda agresije koje su odmah pokrenute na Afganistan i Irak"

Crno zlato. Nafta. Pohlepa. Želja za dominacijom i kontrolom. Megalomanstvo. Jednom riječju, Bush & co.

Eto, tek toliko.

Ovo sam natrkeljao 13.09.2006. u 16:57 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi AK HUGO VELI DA JE TAK - ONDA JE TAK! izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: ponedjeljak, 11.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Gledam baš ovaj dokumentarac o otmici zrakoplova prije 5 godina. Navodno je to nekakva dokumentarna rekonstrukcija događaja. Gledam i ne vjerujem. Trojica su kakti otela avion, informaciju da su se neki avioni zabili u WTC su putnici već dobili i nitko ništa. Nitko ništa. Gdje je nestala ona iskra, ono nešto što nam u jednom trenutku kaže; "Ionako nemam što za izgubiti"? Samo jedan, samo da je jedan krenuo u napad, povukao bi barem još 2-3 njih. Ali ne. Kao ovce, čekali su svoj red za klanje. Nije li to malo čudno? Učili nas u školama o svim tim herojima, junacima, malim ljudima koji su se upisali u svjetsku povijest, a tamo – nitko ništa. Samo su se hvatali za svoje mobitele i tražili pomoć i utjehu od nekoga tko im u tom trenutku ionako nikako nije mogao pomoći. Možda bi svi mi trebali malo razmisliti o tome, da je vrijeme preuzeti inicijativu, preuzeti nazad svoj život u svoje ruke, a ne samo očekivati od drugih da nam pomognu. A niti ne pomislimo, da su ti drugi možda i u većoj gabuli od nas samih. Svatko od nas je heroj, svatko od nas je poseban, nemojte vjerovati kada vam kažu drugačije. Nemojmo postati ovce…


Al' evo, kako je film nastavio, ipak se heroj pojavio... ;)

Ovo sam natrkeljao 11.09.2006. u 23:07 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi KADA SMO POSTALI OVCE? izjasnili su se:


Ovo sam natrkeljao 11.09.2006. u 22:30 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi PA PO LOJTRICI GOR, PA PO LOJTRICI DOL... izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: nedjelja, 10.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Ako imate viška 10 Mb za skinut, pogledajte...

Ovo sam natrkeljao 10.09.2006. u 14:33 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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Objavljeno: subota, 09.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg



Ovo sam natrkeljao 09.09.2006. u 18:33 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi NEKE STVARNO PRETJERUJU... izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: petak, 08.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


...pogledam van i odlučim ostati u Zagrebu. Bilo bi šteta zdrobit hrpu para na moru uz ovakvo šugavo vrijeme.

Eto, ipak ću vas i dalje daviti...a kaj vam ja tu mogu? headbang

Ovo sam natrkeljao 08.09.2006. u 13:06 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi PROBUDIH SE UJUTRO... izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: četvrtak, 07.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg

Pišonja i Žuga su pamtili dobro
Šta im je te večeri govorio Lepi
"More je provod, more su koke"
"More je izvor života" je li tako Moke

Moke je još dod'o i to
Da se strankinje praskaju pravo
I da je u Zaostrogu u kampu
Svaku noć drugu jebavo
Pišonja i Žuga mogli su ih slušati
I noć cijelu
Pišonja i Žuga imali su krv
Sedamnaest godina vrelu

Pišonja i Žuga

Još istu noć su Pišonja i Žuga
Maznuli kasetaš iz Doma invalida
A malo zatim i autobus
"Auto-prevoza" sa Hrida
Pišonja ubaci u brzinu
To vrelo ljetno veče oko dvaest i dva časa
"A sada, pravac more"
Viknu Žuga iz sveg glasa

Pišonja je vozio i pušio duhan
Žuga voli crne, a Pišonja plave
A poslije mora dalje u svijet
Samo se hrabri dokopaju slave
A onda zbogom barake na Breci
Viknu Žuga i kasetaš odvrnu jače
Dobit ćete razglednicu iz afričke zemlje Safari
Zbogom žohari

Pišonja i Žuga, dva vjerna druga
Krote opasne krivine
Molim te čuvaj ih, Kraljice brzine

Murija je blokirala cestu
Negdje kod Bradine oko dva'es tri i pet
U autobusu je svirao boogie-woogie
Vidjevši drotove pri brzini
Od osamdeset na sat
"Vežite se, polećemo", Pišonja reče Žugi

Strahovit tresak zapara zrak
Čak i iskre poletješe u mrak
Pričali su ujutru i kleli se u majku
Da su auspuh i retrovizor našli čak
Pedeset metara dalje u jarku

Pišonja i Žuga, dva vjerna druga
Krote opasne krivine
Molim te čuvaj ih, Kraljice brzine

I dok su Pišonju unosili u hitnu
On ugleda Mjesec iznad sebe i reče
"Bože, kako neki mogu gore,
A ja i Žuga ni na more"
Poslije toga je pao u nesvijest
I više nije mogao čuti
Kako se još dugo na nebu
Smijao Mjesec žuti

Pišonja i Žuga

Ovo sam natrkeljao 07.09.2006. u 20:02 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi izjasnili su se:


Pih, vec je ceartvtk. Prlazoe dnai za piipzdot. Taman se dnegim, kad ono, svi vec doazle s plsoa, pa si milism kkao je vjierme zaravpo reviltano. Kalidm se da nimja vmreije nije itso ploeljtreo kao meni. Ajd, bas ih budem piato.

Nego, jel vam ide čitanje? Ide? Pa, evo malo objašnjenja na engleskom…

Airdoccng to a rsrechecah at Cadmrbige Ustvieriny, it deson't matetr in waht oedrr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny iemorptnt tinhg is that the fsrit and last letter msut be at the rgiht palce. The rest can be a ttoal mses and you can siltl read it wtuhoit ploberm. Tihs is bseauce the hmuan mnid does not read evrey letetr by itlsef, but the word as a wlhoe


Ovo sam natrkeljao 07.09.2006. u 17:49 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi MALO SAM ZBRKAN izjasnili su se:

Ovo sam natrkeljao 07.09.2006. u 17:32 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: srijeda, 06.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


World health je jučer objavila vijest o novoj vrsti tuberkuloze, nelječive sadašnjim ljekovima. Prvi slučajevi pojavili su se u Africi (gdje od te bolesti najviše strahuju oboljeli od AIDS-a), sjevernoj Americi i u istočnoj Europi.

Global alert over deadly new TB strains

· Disease untreatable with currently available drugs
· South African cases raise fears for Aids programme

Sarah Boseley, health editor
Wednesday September 6, 2006

World health officials last night put out an unprecedented warning that deadly new strains of tuberculosis, virtually untreatable using the drugs currently available, appear to be spreading across the globe.

The new strains are known as extreme drug-resistant TB, or XDR-TB. They have been identified and have killed people in several countries, including the United States and eastern Europe, and they have recently been found in Africa, where they could swiftly put an end to all hope of containing the Aids pandemic through treatment.

više na: The Guardian

A možda je to samo još jedna u nizu umjetno stvorenih bolesti, ovaj puta stvorena s ciljem istrijebiti populaciju oboljelu od AIDS-a.

Ovo sam natrkeljao 06.09.2006. u 15:03 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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Ovo sam natrkeljao 06.09.2006. u 11:12 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi NEBO NAD ZAGREBOM izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: utorak, 05.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Zahvaljujem drugu Galaksiji na ovom edukativnom djelu.


Ovo sam natrkeljao 05.09.2006. u 22:49 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi PATOKRACIJA izjasnili su se:


Nemreš vjerovat da netko tko ovakve izjave provaljuje, vodi jednu državu poput Amerike. Baš sam se slatko nasmijao, pa reko'...ajd da to onda podijelim i s vama:

"I said I was looking for a book to read, Laura said you ought to cry Camus. I also read three Shakespeares. ... I've got a eck-a-lec-tic reading list."

"And I suspect that what you'll see, Toby, is there will be a momentum, momentum will be gathered. Houses will begat jobs, jobs will begat houses."

"I would guess, I would surmise that some of the more spectacular bombings are done by al Qaeda suiciders."

"The United States of America is engaged in a war against an extremist group of folks."

"See, the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this s**t, and it's over."

"One thing is clear, is relations between America and Russia are good, and they're important that they be good."

"I've reminded the prime minister-the American people, Mr. Prime Minister, over the past months that it was not always a given that the United States and America would have a close relationship."

"We shouldn't fear a world that is more interacted."

"I think -- tide turning -- see, as I remember -- I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of -- it's easy to see a tide turn -- did I say those words?"

President Bush: "Peter. Are you going to ask that question with shades on?"
Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times: "I can take them off."
Bush: "I'm interested in the shade look, seriously."
Wallsten: "All right, I'll keep it, then."
Bush: "For the viewers, there's no sun."
Wallsten: "I guess it depends on your perspective."
Bush: "Touche."
- An exchange with legally blind reporter Peter Wallsten, to whom Bush later apologized, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006

"I tell people, let's don't fear the future, let's shape it."

"Trying to stop suiciders -- which we're doing a pretty good job of on occasion -- is difficult to do. And what the Iraqis are going to have to eventually do is convince those who are conducting suiciders who are not inspired by Al Qaeda, for example, to realize there's a peaceful tomorrow."

"If people want to get to know me better, they've got to know my parents and the values my parents instilled in me, and the fact that I was raised in West Texas, in the middle of the desert, a long way away from anywhere, hardly. There's a certain set of values you learn in that experience."

"You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you're gone."

"The point now is how do we work together to achieve important goals. And one such goal is a democracy in Germany."

"That's George Washington, the first president, of course. The interesting thing about him is that I read three -- three or four books about him last year. Isn't that interesting?"

"Finally, the desk, where we'll have our picture taken in front of -- is nine other Presidents used it. This was given to us by Queen Victoria in the 1870s, I think it was. President Roosevelt put the door in so people would not know he was in a wheelchair. John Kennedy put his head out the door."

"That's called, A Charge To Keep, based upon a religious hymn. The hymn talks about serving God. The president's job is never to promote a religion."

"I can look you in the eye and tell you I feel I've tried to solve the problem diplomatically to the max, and would have committed troops both in Afghanistan and Iraq knowing what I know today."

"I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the Secretary of Defense."

"I strongly believe what we're doing is the right thing. If I didn't believe it -- I'm going to repeat what I said before -- I'd pull the troops out, nor if I believed we could win, I would pull the troops out."

"No question that the enemy has tried to spread sectarian violence. They use violence as a tool to do that."

"I like my buddies from west Texas. I liked them when I was young, I liked them then I was middle-age, I liked them before I was president, and I like them during president, and I like them after president."

i još puno više OVDJE

Ovo sam natrkeljao 05.09.2006. u 18:12 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi BUSHISM 2006 izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: ponedjeljak, 04.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Da ne bi imali problema poput mene, koji sam malo nepripremljeno ušao u blagodati godišnjeg odmora, toplo preporučam sljedeći online trening:


Ovo sam natrkeljao 04.09.2006. u 17:37 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi GODIŠNJI JE ZAPOČEO UDARNO izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: nedjelja, 03.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Ovo sam natrkeljao 03.09.2006. u 12:22 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi RETRO PC izjasnili su se:

Objavljeno: subota, 02.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Napokon. Zasluženi godišnji odmor. Odličan feeling, ujutro se probudim i znam da sam sljedeća 3 tjedna slobodan, a možda i produžim još 2 tjedna bolovanja, jer moram napokon obaviti i fizikalnu terapiju za svoju kičmu koja je 2 puta nadrapala u saobračajkama. Još ako sjedne i neka pinka na račun, pa u miru Božjem zapalim i jedno tjedan dana na more, budući se kako vidim i vrijeme malo popravilo. No, to uvelike zavisi i o tome koliko ću se zakvačiti na igrice, jer sam napokon nabavio novu grafičku koja može pokretati sve ove nove igre. Za sada se guštam sa NFS Most wanted, a sutra stiže još poneka. Toliko za sada od mene, moram još završiti nekoliko utrka da ubodem novi auto…

Ovo sam natrkeljao 02.09.2006. u 15:28 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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Objavljeno: petak, 01.09.2006. ljeta Gospodnjeg


Ovo sam natrkeljao 01.09.2006. u 16:24 i stvarno me zanima tvoje mišljenje.
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O temi NACRTANI OŠO NA GO...BIKINI KARATE BABES... izjasnili su se:

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